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Banner Advertising

Banner Advertising - Coming Soon in UAE

We offer a wide variety of banner advertising solutions throughout to help our clients meet their marketing objectives.

Targeted banner advertising is a good way to attract valuable traffic, as well as contribute to brand’s awareness among the target audience. It’s a popular and well-known form of advertising in the Web.

Various banner placements on

  • Main Page Slider Placement. You can promote your event, venue, or product on the top of our Main Page and get noticed by anyone who enters
  • Main Page Banner. Display your event, venue, or product as a large eye-catchy banner location right beneath the Main Page Slider!
  • Event Category Banner. Place your banner in various places throughout – Main Page, Events, Venues, Articles, etc. You can select, in which categories you want your banner to be placed for better targeting.
  • Right Column Banner. Promote your event, venue, or product in the right scrolling column – on any page!
  • In-text Banner. Promote your event, venue or product within text content of any page!


To know more, please check our image & banner specifications.

Our clients can effectively target their banner ads by selecting specific categories of, which best fits their marketing needs. You can select any category of events, type of venue or day of the week and display your banner advertising during a certain period of time.

You are free to discuss details regarding banner advertising – simply contact us on