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We regularly publish events and articles about a variety of topics – including sponsored stories. If you need, we can even create one for you!

Do you organize an interesting event, open a new venue or promote a new brand? Would you like to tell about it to a variety of people from the UAE and other countries who are interested in this information and want to know all the details? Publish it on Coming Soon, where it will be seen by a wide audience interested in this particular kind of information.

You still don’t have an excellent description of your event, brand or venue? Let us be the solution to this problem. Our team includes professional writers who will write unique texts of any complexity for you. This can be a brief information note about the event, indicating the place and time of its conduct, a detailed review, or text for social networks. We also provide services for writing SEO-texts and qualitative rewriting of already available materials for giving them uniqueness. It is possible to translate the finished text into other languages.

If you have any questions, contact us by e-mail and we`ll be happy to help you![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]