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Holy month of Ramadan, Day 23

Holy month of Ramadan, Day 23 - Coming Soon in UAE
5 May 2021
5 minutes to read

During the holy month of Ramadan, life in the UAE changes significantly. Big cities, Dubai or Abu Dhabi, and small settlements are moving to a different lifestyle.

Working hours in both public institutions and private companies are shortened up to several hours a day, the need for this is due to the fact that most workers fast during the sunny hours of the day. This is done in order to ease the month of restrictions. At the same time, the wage for workers with a decrease in working hours remains unchanged.


Changes occur in the working hours of shops, malls, and markets, in the afternoon they can be closed. But in the evening after Iftar time on the street of cities there is a revival. This can cause problems with movement around the city due to traffic jams, difficulties with calling a taxi, as taxi drivers also break their fast, and parking spaces. Most of the residents break the fast and after that they can go shopping, join social gatherings, visit meeting places, like big malls with entertainment activities. Most malls remain open until midnight or even longer. At the same time, grocery stores and supermarkets remain open and operate normally.

It is also necessary to specify in advance the opening hours of restaurants, as some of them may be closed. Some restaurants and cafes, although closed, but have a special area for those who do not fast. Some restaurants and cafes offer takeaway food so that anyone can eat in private. Also, most of the nightclubs will remain closed. At the same time, bars and pubs are mostly not closed during Ramadan, but not all of them will sell alcohol even at night.


O Allah, on this day, wash away my sins, purify me from all flaws, examine my heart with (for) the piety of the hearts, O One who overlooks the shortcomings of the sinners.


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